Contest HOTEL: Hilton Garden Hotel

111 W University Ave, El Paso, TX 79902 // Phone:(915) 351-2121

Join us August 10 at UTEP Magoffin Auditorium for the 2019 NPC Sun City Regional National Qualifier.

Contest HOTEL: Hilton Garden Inn El Paso
//111 W University Ave, El Paso, TX 79902 // Phone:(915) 351-2121

Group Rate Code:
SCRB19 $99/night+tax

Group Rate good up to July 8, after that, best rates apply.

* * * Guests can make their own reservations by calling the hotel at 915-351-2121 or by on-line at www.elpaso.stayhgi.com and reference the Group Code * * *

Download MAPS (PDF)
Magoffin (Print Out) // Magoffin (Walking Path) // Magoffin (Walking Path Zoom)
Union Cinema (Directory) // Union Cinema //http://onthemove.utep.edu/maps/magoffin.pdf

Campus Map: http://www.utep.edu/search/campusmaplarge.html
Ticket Information: UTEP TICKET BOX OFFICE- 915-747-5234